Our team of experts provides tax advisory and audit services in three locations around the Czech Republic – in Prague, České Budějovice and Klatovy.
Plzeňská 3217/16
150 00 Prague 5
+420 296 332 411

The office is located close to Anděl´s Praha hotel and is easily accessible by all means of transport. The building where Proxy resides is located about 300 m away from Anděl underground station (B line (yellow) of the Prague underground) and Anděl bus/tram stops. Public parking is available in the underground parking premises of the Nový Smíchov shopping centre – 100 m away from Proxy office or in the underground parking of Anděl´s hotel (garage entry from Stroupežnického Street).
nám. Přemysla Otakara II./36
370 01 České Budějovice
+420 386 100 011

Our České Budějovice office is located directly on the city’s main square on the third floor of Dvořák Shopping Gallery.
Pavlíkova 7
339 01 Klatovy I
+420 724 973 512

Our Klatovy office is situated approx. 200 m east of Namesti Miru Square, 2nd floor of the historic building.
Important Information
Name of the Entity: PROXY, a.s.
Reg. Entry: B 612 listed in Registry Court in Prague
ID number (IČO): 152 70 301
Commercial Reg. No. (DIČ): CZ15270301
Seat Address: Plzeňská Str. 3217/16, CZ15000 Prague 5
Listed in Commercial Register on: 27. 03. 1991
Name of the Entity: PROXY - AUDIT, s.r.o.
Reg. Entry: C 23375 listed in Registry Court in Prague
ID number (IČO): 496 84 612
Commercial Reg. No. (DIČ): CZ49684612
Seat Address: Plzeňská Str. 3217/16, CZ15000 Prague 5
Listed in Commercial Register on: 30. 09. 1993
Name of the Entity: PROXY Holding a.s.
Reg. Entry: B 11690 listed in Registry Court in Prague
ID number (IČO): 278 76 616
Commercial Reg. No. (DIČ): CZ27876616
Seat Address: Plzeňská Str. 3217/16, CZ15000 Prague 5
Listed in Commercial Register on: 27. 3. 2007